

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Princess Hundred Flowers tricked me!” said the monster. He stamped his foot.

Then he sighed. “I can’t be angry with her. I love her too much. But that pig got away. He’ll go back to the king, and troops will come.”

The monster thought for a minute. Finally he had a plan. He went to the princess’ room.

“My sweet,” said the monster. “I’m going to visit your father.”

“What?” said Princess Hundred Flowers in shock.

“I’m going to tell him what a nice fellow I am,” said the monster. “We can all be a happy family.”

Before the princess could say another word, the monster left the room.

“I need a disguise,” he said to himself. He recited a quick spell. Light sparkled. Now the monster looked like a handsome young man.

“Ha-ha!” he laughed.

Bajie ran back to the Precious Image Kingdom. He told the king that he and Wujing couldn’t save Princess Hundred Flowers.

The pig hung his head. “As I ran away, Wujing was captured.”

“We must save my daughter,” said the king. He turned to his general. “Gather the troops!”

A messenger ran into the court.

“Your Majesty, your son-in-law is here to see you,” said the messenger.

The king was confused. “I don’t have a son-in-law!”

A handsome young man walked into the hall. “Hello, Father. I’m sorry I haven’t visited you until now.”

“Who are you?” asked the king.

“I married Princess Hundred Flowers 13 years ago,” said the young man. “I found her in a forest just as a tiger was about to attack her. I saved her life and chased away the tiger.”

The king relaxed a little. “That was very brave.”

“Yes, it was very brave,” said the young man. “However, that tiger has wanted revenge ever since. Sometime ago it became a spirit. Now it disguises itself as a monk.” The young man narrowed his eyes at the Tang Monk and pointed. “That monk!”

“What!” cried the Tang Monk.

 The king frowned. “I don’t believe you.”

“I’ll prove it,” said the young man.

He pointed at the monk again and recited a spell. Light sparkled.

Everybody gasped. Now a tiger sat in the Tang Monk’s spot!

Later, in the stable, a boy was giving hay to the Tang Monk’s horse.

“Did you hear about the Tang Monk?” asked another boy. “He was really a tiger spirit. A handsome young man changed him back into his true form.”

“Wow,” said the first boy. “Where is the tiger now?”

“He’s locked up in a cage,” said the other boy.

That night Bajie was sitting alone outside when he heard a voice.

Psst!” said the voice. “Bajie!”

Bajie looked around. “Who’s calling me?” He saw the horse peeking from behind a wall.

“You’re talking!” cried Bajie.

“Shh,” said the horse. “We have a problem. A young man turned the Tang Monk into a tiger. The monk is locked in a cage now.”

“Oh, I know!” cried Bajie. “It’s terrible! Master is now a tiger, and Wujing was captured by a monster.” He sighed. “The journey is over. Let’s just go home.”

The horse bit Bajie on the leg.

Ouch!” cried the pig. “Why did you do that?”

“We’re not going home!” said the horse. “The young man is probably just the monster in disguise. We need to defeat him and save our companions.”

“But how?” asked Bajie.

The horse thought for a minute. “You must find Wukong. He can help us.”

Bajie shook his head. “He won’t help us.”


1. stable [ˈsteɪbl]  adj.稳定的;稳固的;牢固的;稳重的;沉稳的;持重的;(化学状态或原子状态)稳定的  n.马厩;(养马作特定用途的)养马场;马房;统称某人拥有(或训练的)赛马  v.使(马)入厩;把(马)拴在马厩
st 站,立 + able …的 → 能站住的 → 稳定的
a stable relationship
His stables are near Oxford.
2. peek [piːk]  v.窥视;偷看;微露出;探出  n.偷看,窥视;一瞥,看一眼
I couldn't resist peeking in the drawer.

3. psst [pst]  int.(书写形式,表示轻声引人注意的声音)嘶,嘘
Psst! Let's get out now before they see us!
4. ouch [aʊtʃ]  int.(表示突然的疼痛)哎呦
She was barefoot and stones dug into her feet. 'Ouch, ouch,' she cried.

什么!三伏天的英语是dog days?
TED演讲 | 改变自己,只需要两年时间

